March 4, 2024

March 4, 2024

Eduardo XXXXX 
Lynda XXXXX 

Re: Contract# XXXXX 

Dear Mr. & Mrs. XXXXX 

Thank you for your recent correspondence. Since customer service s very important to us, we appreciate you summarizing your concerns regarding the above-referenced account. To recap those concerns, you feel as though the representations made during the sale did not reflect the information contained in the paperwork signed at the point of sale.

We have reviewed all the documents and disclosures provided to you at the time of sale and we are confident that we have complied fully with the applicable laws of Florida, where the sale occurred and where project is located.

In your letter you mentioned that you feel as though you were misled into making this purchase. During a sales presentation. our representatives make offers to prospective owners, but they are free to decline at any point. Please understand, participation in the timeshare presentation is voluntary unless you agreed to such participation as a part of promotional stay, in which case you could leave the presentation after the agreed upon time, prior to your participation (which is approximately 90-120 minutes).

Although we do not accept the accuracy of the allegations made, we have reviewed your request as well as the status of your account and based upon our review, we are willing to offer you a Warranty Deed to voluntarily surrender the property. However, this offer is contirigent upon our office’s receipt the maintenance fees in the amount of$ 1,236.61. Please note that the amount listed is as of the date of this letter and the account is subject to any additional fees and/or interest which may accrue prior to payment. With a Voluntary Surrender, you transfer the title of the vacation ownership interest back to XXXXX XXXXX Corporation and/or its affiliates and there will be no refund of any monies paid towards the purchase price. Loan or Maintenance fees.

Credit Reoortjna Considerations We cannot provide opinions or assumptions as to the impact to the
borrower’s credit score, nor do we have control over, or responsibility for, the impact on the borrower’s credit score.

If you wish to accept this offer, please notify our office within 15 days from the date of this letter to arrange
payment. Failure to schedule payment within 15 calendar days will result in the expiration of our offer to
accept a Warranty Deed.

To make a payment over the phone, please call the number provided below and one of our agents will be
happy to assist If you wish to pay via check, please mail payment to: