Tradebloc Inc.

Office Hours
9 AM – 5 PM PST

Success Gallery


December 21, 2024

Hello Mrs. Kocour,
This email confirms that the transfer submitted on 12/21/24 of the XXXXX property has been successfully transferred out of your name. The transfer was confirmed by owner services on 04/09/24. I have attached a copy of the recorded deed for your records.
Thank you for your assistance in facilitating this process.

On behalf of us here at Tradebloc, we greatly appreciate your business. Please let me know if you need anything else.

Christopher 10/28/24

October 28, 2024

Client: XXXXX  corporation

Owner: XXXXX 

Account#: XXXXX 

Amount Due: $10745.43

Dear Christopher B XXXXX  Christopher XXXXX 

Pursuant to the records maintained by our client, XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Inc., your account remains delinquent. Because of this delinquency, your access to the resorts of the XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX  was suspended and all existing reservations and deposits that you made with exchange companies were cancelled and the club will be moving forward with termination of your membership.

The above referenced amount is the total balance due. XXXXX XXXXX  must receive your full payment of $10745.43 by 11/24/2024 in order to have the client restore your full membership privileges in the club. if your delinquency is not cured, your Owner Beneficiary Rights and membership in the Club will be terminated at the end of this thirty (30) day period. All fees that you have previously paid to purchase and maintain your membership in the club will be forfeited. These remedies for non- payment of fees are prescribed by your owner Beneficiary Agreement, the Maintenance fee Billing and collection policy, as well as the XXXXX XXXXX  Amended and Restated Trusted Agreement and the bylaws of the club, each of which are included in your public Offering statement.


No additional warning will be given prior to termination of your owner Beneficiary Rights and membership in the club

Please call our offices at XXXXX  or XXXXX to discuss payments of your account or you may payments by contacting us as outlined below.

The communication is from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a dept and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.


Collection Associate




October 15, 2024

Re: XXXXX Ownership Relinquishment Request – Owner ID: XXXXX  – Contract ID:XXXXX  Unit: XXXXX  -Week: XXXXX 

Dear William and Janice XXXXX

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that XXXXX XXXXX  has been authorized by the board of directors of XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX  to offer you the opportunity to participate in the relinquishment program.

By participating in the Relinquishment Program. you will be relieved of all further maintenance fee obligations regarding the timeshare including any past, present, and future maintenance fee billings, and special assessments. You will also forfeit all future usage rights of the timeshare. This program requires a one-time nominal fee of $480.00 per unit week for processing fees and a relinquishment fee in the amount of $457.00. You have 30 days to participate in the relinquishment program.

After receipt of payment, we will then send the paperwork for you to sign and get notarized. Once the properly executed document is received by our office, you will be sent a release letter confirming your ownership relinquishment, as well as a copy of the recorded signed documents for your records.

At this time, we will only accept check or money can be mailed to the address listed below. Both payments can be placed in the same envelope when sent to the corporate address listed.

$480.00 made payable to XXXXX XXXXX separate payment please)

$457.00 made payable to XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX (separate payment please)


If you have any further questions, please direct them to me via email at: XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX

Thank you,
Janine XXXXX

October 9, 2024


RE: Cancellation for contract No: XXXXX

Property description: XXXXX XXXXX


Please accept accept this letter as confirmation that ownership of the account listed above has been cancelled and the title has been transferred back to XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX as of 10/09/2024.

Also, please keep in mind that all or a portion of your XXXXX XXXXX points and any XXXXX XXXXX status earned during your XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX may be forfeited. this action is pursuant to terms and conditions of the XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX

if you have any additional questions or concerns, please call us at XXXXX (U.S. and Canada) or XXXXX ( International ).



September 5, 2024


Client: XXXXX 

Contract: XXXXX 

Account: XXXXX 

Balance: $3431.40

Our client XXXXX XXXXX has authorized XXXXX XXXXX  to accept a total sum of $2,573.55 on the above mentioned account(s); as a Non-Use Mutual Release Settlement. This will release you from any further obligations with this client and will initiate the Mutual Release process.

This figure is good as long as we receive payment in our office no later than 09-19-24. If payment is not received in our office on or before the date specified, this agreement is Null & Void and the balance is due in full.

Please note you will also be relinquishing all rights to the above-referenced contract and any further obligations; additionally XXXXX XXXXX  will be contacting you to initiate the Mutual Release process.

This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose

Karen XXXXX 

Account Representative


Toll FreeXXXXX 

September 16, 2024


RE: XXXXX  Points

FNT Reference No.: XXXXX 

Contract No.: XXXXX 

Dear Owner(s),

Thank you for the opportunity to assist you with transferring ownership of the above referenced property. Please carefully review the enclosed documents and, if satisfactory, execute each document as instructed below. Be sure to sign your name exactly as it appears in each document and return the original signed (and notarized, where applicable) documents to us within 15 days following your receipt. Failure to return the documents as instructed may result in delays in completing this transfer.

Enclosed are the following documents:

• Transfer Agreement for XXXXX  Platinum Program – Please sign this document, no notary is required.
• Acknowledgement of Cancellation of Certificate of Title – Please sign this document before a notary public.
• Settlement Statement – Please sign this document, no notary is required.
• Seller’s Affidavit – Please complete and sign this document before a notary public.
• Privacy Policy – This document is for your information only. It does not need to be signed or returned.


Closing will occur within 14 business days after all properly signed documents are returned to us and the funds needed to close this transaction are received. Once your transaction is complete, you will receive a copy of your recorded and dual signed documents via email. Should you have any questions about the enclosed documents or the processing of this transfer please contact us at XXXXX or  XXXXX.  Please contact the Owner Services Department at XXXXX if you have any questions regarding how this transaction impacts your reservations or usage.


XXXXX Timeshare

September 13, 2024

Hello James,

This email confirms that the transfer submitted on 09/13/22 of the XXXXX property has been successfully transferred out of your name. The transfer was confirmed by owner services on 04/08/23. I have attached a copy of the recorded deed for your records. Thank you for your assistance in facilitating this process. 

On behalf of us here at Tradebloc, we greatly appreciate your business.  Please let me know if you need anything else.

September 13, 2024

Hello Richard & Connie,

This email confirms that the transfer submitted on 09/13/22 of the XXXXX property has been successfully transferred out of your name.  The transfer was confirmed by owner services on 03/23/23.  I have attached a copy of the recorded deed for your records. Thank you for your assistance in facilitating this process. 

On behalf of us here at Tradebloc, we greatly appreciate your business.  Please let me know if you need anything else.

September 9, 2024

Joseph and Lorie

Email: XXXXX 

RE: Account #XXXXX 

Dear Mr. and Mrs. XXXXX 

XXXXX  is in receipt of your most recent correspondence. Thank you for reaching out to us.

Mr. and Mrs. XXXXX please be advised that your account was foreclosed upon due to your delinquency on February 5, 2024. You are no longer the owners of record, and you have no further financial obligations to XXXXX 

We thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Executive team
Owner Relations Correspondence



August 27, 2024

Michael XXXXX 

Re.; C.ontract # XXXXX 
Balance due $1727.58

Dear Owner(s),

In a recent audit of delinquent maintenance fee accounts, we determined that your contract is severely delinquent. At this time, we would like to extend a cancellation offer that would close out your delinquent account, cancel the contract, and return the property back to XXXXX This is a limited time offer, and certain qualifications do apply.

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please contact me at the number listed below to see if you qualify. I can be reached Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00pm. Thank you for your attention on this matter.


Hayley XXXXX 
Collections Representative


XXXXX ase you from any further financial obligation. After the paperwork has been finalized and your account is closed in all systems, your credit will reflect as “Mutual Release- Current”. If you have any questions, please contact my office at XXXXX  , Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm.

Thank you,

Hayley XXXXX 
Collection Representative

August 27, 2024

Victor Herbert XXXXX  and Karen Davis XXXXX 


Dear Owner(s):
As you requested. enclosed are the deed in lieu of foreclosure documents that you need to review and sign to transfer your above referenced Vacation Ownership Interest (“VOI”). You must sign each document that requires your signature exactly as your name is typed and the documents cannot be altered or changed in any way. You must sign some of the documents in the presence of a Notary Public, which typically can be located in a bank, law office or real estate office. Failure to sign the documents as instructed will result in lengthy delays in processing the deed in lieu of foreclosure, or the cancellation of the transaction.

1. Warranty Deed (Special Warranty Deed): Please sign exactly as your name is typed in the space provided in front of two (2) witnesses and a Notary Public. Please also fill in the date where applicable. In addition to providing signatures, witnesses must also print their names on the line where indicated in the presence of a Notary Public. The Notary Public can serve as one witness, but the Notary Public must sign twice, once as a notary and once as a witness. Grantors cannot sign as witness. If you are signing while you are outside of the United States, you must sign the deed in lieu of foreclosure in the presence of one of the officers listed on the enclosed Instructions for Signing and Acknowledgment of Documents in Foreign Countries.

2. Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure Agreement: Please sign exactly as your name is typed in the space provided in front of a Notary Public and fill in the date in the first paragraph. If you are signing while you are outside of the United States, you must sign the lien affidavit In the presence of one of the officers listed on the enclosed Instructions for Signing and Acknowledgment of Documents in Foreign Countries.

3. General Release: You should review the entire document. Please sign exactly as your name is typed in the space provided on the last page and insert the date you executed this document. No notary acknowledgment is needed.

Please note that the deed in lieu of foreclosure is being offered contingent upon receipt and examination of a title search being completed to confirm good and marketable title (without any liens, judgments or encumbrances). If we discover a lien, judgment or other encumbrance in the title search, we may ask you to execute and notarize additional documents or we may cancel this transaction and not record the deed in lieu of foreclosure.

You have 30 days from the date of this letter to propedy execute and return the documents to our office to XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX If you fail to return the documents within the allotted time frame, foreclosure proceedings will begin on your account. Should you have any questions with regards to this matter, please feel free to contact us at XXXXX  or direct at XXXXX XXXXX .

Your cooperation and assistance in resolving this ma:ter is greatly appreciated.



Default Administration


Pursuant o 15 U.S.C. §1692{e)(11) you are hereby notifiedt hat this communicationis made in an attemptt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. We are required by the laws of certain states to inform you that this letter is for the purpose of attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. We may be considered a debt collector under the laws of certain states.



August 26, 2024


RE: Timeshare at XXXXX  XXXXX  (“timeshare”)

Contact No. XXXXX  (the “Contract”)

Dear Owner(s):

We are pleased to inform you that you have been approved by the Developer for release from your Timeshare under the following conditions:

1. You agree to return your timeshare back to the Developer; and

2. The payment of S750.00 to XXXXX  XXXXX , by cashier’s check or money order, for processing, recording and release fee (“Release payment”).

If you are interested in returning our Timeshare and being released from your Contract, please print the Grant, Bargain, Sale Deed (“”Quit Claim Deed”) and instructions sheet which is available at this link [ cltck here]

Please follow the instructions for the execution and return of the Deed. Upon our receipt of the properly executed Deed and the Release Payment, your Contract will be canceled and you will be released from all future obligation related to the Timeshare.

If you do not reply within seven (7) days, we will assume that you are not interested in being released from your Contract. Please note this release offer may not be available in the future.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions concerning DeYeloper’s release offer.



Debt Resolution Department

A portion of our practice involves the collection of debt. Any information you provide will be used for that purpose if we are attempting to collect a debt from you.

July 19, 2024

Walter & Debrah XXXXX 
Account# XXXXX 


We are in receipt of your letter stating you would like to give back your timeshare. At this time, XXXXX  XXXXX Resorts does not take back the timeshares or have a resale department. We do have a couple of options to assist you. If you are interested in resale, this Is something the owner will proceed with independently.

XXXXX Resorts does have a Deed Back Program for our owners to relinquish their timeshare. There are qualifications Owner’s must meet to consider the Traveler’s Promise. The qualifications are:

1. You must have purchased your timeshare directly from XXXXX Resorts (No 3rd party purchases).
2. You must have been an owner for at least 10 years.
3. The mortgage on the property must be paid in full
4. Your account must be current. All maintenance fees and special assessments must be paid Once all qualifications are met, there is a cost of $1760.00 to deed the property back to the association once the past due maintenance fees are paid .

If you are interested in the Deed Back Program, Please contact our Hospitality Department at XXXXX  XXXXX option #2 or at XXXXX  XXXXX  XXXXX  XXXXX  XXXXX  for further assistance.

Thank You,
Hospitality Department

July 13, 2023

Hello Leodis,

This Email confirms that the transfer submitted on 5/10/2023 of the xxxxx property has been successfully transferred out of your name. The transfer was confirmed by owner services on 7/13/2023. I have attached a copy of the recorded deed for your records. Thank you for your assistance in facilitating this process.

On behalf of us here at Tradebloc, we greatly appreciate your business. Please let me know if you need anything else.


July 09, 2024

Dear Mr. and Mrs XXXXX  XXXXX 

Your correspondence addressed to XXXXX regarding exiting your XXXXX XXXXX Trust Points ownership has been forwarded to my attention for response. I am very sorry to hear of the health and financial circumstances that have led to your request, but I understand how this changes your travel plans.

I have reached out to our Exit Services team on your behalf to inquire about exit options available for your portfolio. I am pleased to share that you are eligible to deedback your Ownership for the 2025 use year. This option comes at no additional cost to you, XXXXX  with no net proceeds and will relieve you of future maintenance fee obligations. If you wish to move forward with the deed back, please reach out to Exit Services at or via email at If you want to allow your family the opportunity to purchase the ownership from yourself, I recommend reaching out to Owner Modifications at XXXXX XXXXX They will provide you with information about changing the deed and the costs associated with another over obtaining ownership. It is important to know that this can be a lengthy process and reserves the Right of First Refusal before any sale of the ownership takes place.

If you have any questions or wish to further discuss, please contact me at XXXXX  XXXXX via email at XXXXX XXXXX 


Katie XXXXX 
Customer Advocacy Manager
Executive Office
or via email at XXXXX XXXXX 

June 27, 2024

Hello Ernest and Susan,

This email confirms that the transfer submitted on 7/27/22 of the XXXXX property has been successfully transferred out of your name. The transfer was confirmed by owner services on 03/31/23. I have attached a copy of the recorded deed for your records. Thank you for your assistance in facilitating this process. 

On behalf of us here at Tradebloc, we greatly appreciate your business.  Please let me know if you need anything else.

June 07, 2023

Hello John and Diana,

This Email confirms that the transfer submitted on 10/31/2022 of the xxxxx property has been successfully transferred out of your name. The transfer was confirmed by owner services on 6/7/2023. I have attached a copy of the recorded deed for your records. Thank you for your assistance in facilitating this process.

On behalf of us here at Tradebloc, we greatly appreciate your business. Please let me know if you need anything else.


June 1, 2024


RE: Contract #XXXXX 
Dear Owner(s),

I have received your request to be released from your ownership. The Developer has agreed to release you from the contract at XXXXX XXXXX  Enclosed you will find the documents that will release you from all future financial obligations to XXXXX XXXXX 

In order to effectuate this Release, you will need to properly execute the Mutual Release and Quit Claim Deed. Please be advised that the Quit Claim Deed will need to be signed in front of a notary. Upon receipt of the properly executed documents along with the release fee, I will continue the cancellation of the contract and relieve you of any future obligations to XXXXX XXXXX 

Thank you,
Owner Relations/ Sales Compliance Manager

May 30, 2024


Re: Contract Number:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. XXXXX ,

Our office is in receipt of your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Since customer
service is very important to us, we appreciate you reaching out.

We have reviewed your request as well as the status of your account. Based upon our review, we are offering you a Voluntary Surrender of your property. With a Voluntary Surrender, you transfer the title of the vacation ownership interest back to XXXXX XXXXX  Corporation and/or its affiliates and there will be no refund of any monies paid towards the purchase price, Loan or Maintenance fees.

Please review the attached Terms and Conditions, as this letter constitutes an agreement between us and you (“Agreement”). If you agree to the terms and want to proceed with a Voluntary Surrender, you must complete, sign, and return the Agreement back to us within fifteen (15) days from the date of this letter.

You can send a signed copy of the agreement by emailing XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX or by mail to Portfolio Services, Attn: Recovery Dept, 6355 Metrowest Blvd, Orlando, FL 32835. When sending the signed agreement by email, please make sure the scanned copy of the agreement is legible. Once our office receives the executed agreement, we will provide you with a Warranty Deed (“Deed”), or applicable membership certificate, to transfer the ownership.

Please note, the account currently has a $100.00 credit balance for maintenance fees. The credit will be refunded once the cancellation process is completed.

If there are any questions, please contact the Recovery Department directly toll-free at XXXXX XXXXX (U.S. and Canada) or XXXXX XXXXX  (International) between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday ET, and one of our agents will be available to assist you.


Portfolio Services

May 29, 2024

Mr. Christopher Morgan
Mrs. Rachel Leigh

Re: Contract Number:

Dear Mr. & Mrs. ,
Our office is in receipt of your correspondence regarding the above-referenced account. Since customer service is very important to us, we appreciate you reaching out.

We apologize that you no longer wish to maintain your contract due to a change in financial circumstances.

However, we known that there was a lot of information to absorb when you made your purchase on March 01, 2019. Given the length of time that has passed since your purchase, as well as the amount of information relayed, it is important to refer to the documents signed at the point of sale to understand your rights and obligations.

We have reviewed your request as well as the status of your account. Based upon our review, we are offering you a Voluntary Surrender of your property. With a Voluntary Surrender, you transfer the title of the vacation ownership interest back to Resort Corporation and/or its affiliates and there will be no refund of any monies paid towards the purchase price, Loan or Maintenance fees.

Please review the attached Terms and Conditions, as this letter constitutes an agreement between us and you (“Agreement”). If you agree to the terms and want to proceed with a Voluntary Surrender, you must complete, sign, and return the Agreement back to us within fifteen (15) days from the date of this letter.

You can send a signed copy of the agreement by emailing or by mail to Portfolio Services, Attn: Recovery Dept, 6355 Metrowest Blvd, Orlando, FL 32835. When sending the signed agreement by email, please make sure the scanned copy of the agreement is legible. Once our office receives the executed agreement, we will provide you with a Warranty Deed (“Deed”), or applicable membership certificate, to transfer the ownership.

If there are any questions, please contact the Recovery Department directly toll-free at (U.S. and Canada) or (International) between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday ET, and one of our agents will be available to assist you.


Portfolio Services

Adam J. Wax, Esq.,
Nevada Bar #12126

Nevada Federal Courts (2010)
9th Circuit Court of Appeals (2019)
United District Court for the District of Nevada (2010)

Adam Wax Law Firm.

An independent law firm that will provide effective representation to benefit the success of our clients. Mr. Adam Wax will handle a broad range of legal issues pertaining to the needs of our clients by helping resolve disputes, settlements, and negotiate contracts.

Adam has been admitted to practice law and remains in good standing in both the State of Nevada and the United States District Courts. Adam earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science, with a Minor in Law and Society, from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2006. He received his Juris Doctorate degree from the William S. Boyd School of Law in 2010.


Adam has been named a Mountain States Rising Star by Super Lawyers Magazine, a member of the Legal Elite by the Nevada Business Magazine, a Top 100 Trial Lawyer by The National Trial Lawyers, and one of the Top 40 Litigation Lawyers Under 40 in Nevada by the American Society of Legal Advocates. Martindale-Hubbell® awarded him the highest possible rating of AV® Preeminent™ for ethical standards and legal ability.